Epra | Leadership and Entrepreneurial Awards

Outstanding Contribution to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

This award will recognise and reward a university that has built a truly inclusive environment in which all staff and students are treated fairly and with respect, and where diversity is championed.

You may refer to long-standing policies or programmes, but judges will be looking for bold initiatives that have come to fruition during the 2019-20 academic year. Initiatives may focus on the staff or student body, or both, and can be either innovative in themselves, or based on the brilliant implementation of existing ideas.

Outline the equality, diversity or inclusion needs that your initiative sought to address.

What form did your work take? Has it been transformative and is it transferable to other institutions?

What makes your work sustainable?

What differentiates your initiative from those taking place elsewhere?

Provide evidence of the impact of your work on the university as a whole.

EPRA 2023 Nomination Form 'NOW CLOSED'